Monday, 31 August 2015

Live your life like a pencil.
write good thoughts so that others may read it
this means live a good and exemplary life
so that others may follow you
erase what is not needed
this means keep away from all that is bad
by doing this we can make our world
a better place to live.

The note book is like a body
colored pens are its clothes
the ink is its food
the thought in it is its soul
when all these come together,
they make it a beautiful diary
and like great people who change
the lives of others
this diary also changes
the lives of others
whoever reads it.
keep on reading. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Everyone Has A Story...
There was a young girl. She was 22 years old. One day she was traveling with her father by the train. As they were traveling suddenly she happened to look out of the window and there she saw that the trees were moving. She shouted saying Daddy see the trees are moving. Daddy looked at her and just smiled. A young couple was sitting in front of them, looking at this girl they also laughed. After sometime once again she looked out of the window and saw that the clouds were running behind. Again she shouted Daddy see the clouds are running behind. Once again her daddy smiled at her. But this time the couple felt pity for this girl’s childish behavior  They suggested to her daddy and said: why don’t you take your daughter to the doctor. Her daddy replied: we are just returning form the hospital itself. Because my daughter was blind for 22 year and today only she has received her eyesight back. Hearing this couple got shocked and they felt sorry for their mistake.
Dear friends do not judge people before you know the true story, or reason behind it. Sometimes the truth may surprise you. 


Be yourself TRUTHFULLY

Accept yourself JOYFULLY

Forgive yourself COMPLETELY

Treat yourself GENEROUSLY

Balance yourself HARMONIOUSLY

Bless yourself ABUNDANTLY

Trust yourself CONFIDENTLY


Empower yourself PRAYERFULLY


Express yourself RADIANT.
once you are able to do these,then you can say that you have lived your life fully.